This is a mobile app to advertise and promote my services as property agent in Spore. I am Bernard Leong working with a team of people from Propnex – Spore’s biggest property agency for now. This provides a avenue to showcase my listings on real estate. Give clients convenience to preview the houses on 3D view at youtube etc. Link up with my end on social media to publicize to prospects. You can contact me on this app to set up a appt for your house enquiry or consult me about the market. My contact number is 84993519, CEA registration number is R056256H and email is [email protected].
I also provide regular updates about the economy and the impact in society from business perspective. My website is I aim to provide a one stop service for my clients on real estate for residential purpose or commercial use. Your interest is my interest on the investment.
Please feel free to contact me by various means. Thank you for visiting this mobile app.